Friday, March 20, 2009

Call Captain Buzzkill, We need an Intervention

This would be the worst day of my life!

There is not a more depressing show on TV than A&E's Intervention. Each week, they bring you a trainwreck story of a junkie/alcoholic/problem gambler/cutter. Usually, the subject was an honor student/terrific athlete/talented musician growing up and somewhere along the way, well, lost his or her way.

One common thing that I've observed is that there is always an enabler among the troubled one's loved ones. The enabler gives him or her money or let's the partyer do drugs in the house or protects junkie from any consequences that might upset the poor soul. The enabler in his or her heart really wants the problem child to get better, but cannot bring him or herself to say "no more".

Finally, they get up the courage to try and put an end to the destructive behavior and save the lost soul. At this point, there's the big surprise where everyone is there to plead with the subject to go to rehab along with Interventionist who facilitates the meeting. A&E has 3 different interventionists that work on this show, I call them Captain Buzzkill, Lady Killjoy and Prince Party Pooper.

For some reason I cannot get this analogy out of my head after witnessing the entire AIG bonus fiasco.

AIG (and other bailout companies) was the golden child. Somewhere along the way, maybe it was the pressure of living up to parental expectations (Democrats Agenda to lend money to people who cannot afford to pay it back), cracks under pressure and is now the lost soul mired in misery, broke and in need of help. Now the governmental enablers step in and hope that throwing money at the problem (hey, at least they are under my roof and supervision, therefore they cannot hurt themselves too much) will alleviate the problem. The end result down the road, the enabler is saddened and sometimes, even surprised that the problem child used some of that money to get high (or pay themselves bonuses)!

Well, we all know now that the liberal grandstanding was all a show to distract from the fact that they were the ones who OK'd the bonuses in the first place. Also, we all know they do not care for the companies like a loved one. They were caught and had to throw the evil corporation under the bus. But still, can you see the parallel I am drawing here? It's pretty damn depressing!

At this point, what do we do now? Is it time to call in Captain Buzzkill to DC?


Blogger dholmes said...

(Ok, I'm behind on the blog). I recently read the Newsweek article "Thanks, Bono, but No Thanks" by Lisa Miller.
She comments on how throwing money at Africa does not solve all the economic, political and cultural problems of the country. Basically she thinks celebrities are 'enabling' (she didn't use this exact term) Africa to stay in a perpetual state of turmoil where they are in need of foreign aid. In this case, an African economist, Dambisa Moyo, recommends "bond issues, trade, foreign investment" as a way to strengthen the country.
I also agree that throwing money to US corporations and people who have consistently bad credit is only making the problems worse. No one is held accountable for their actions such as buying mortgages out of their financial range. And if these corporations/people are continually bailed out, then what is the incentive to become more financially responsible?
Admittedly, I do not know the answers to this economic crisis. Generally, I believe education and awareness can lead to improvement and advancement. Unfortunately, it's now difficult to get a student loan because of the past debts of others. (little joke, there)

9:51 PM  

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